How To Play With This Activation:

Listen to this activation every day for 7 days. 

Take time to journal and notice what arises for you over the following days and month. 

  • Notice what insights you have. 
  • Notice what ideas flow to you. 
  • Notice what creative endeavours and desires start calling you.
  • Be open to what wants to birth through you.

This is the Goddess at play.

Activate your inner Goddess.

Activate your innate creativity.

Activate your Soul brand.

Copyright 2022 Niamh Asple Colinas Del Mar 67, Torreguadiaro, San Roque, Cadiz, Spain.

Your womb is a powerful portal of creation.

It's the seat of your inner Goddess.

The wisdom that resides in her is infinite.

For lifetimes this knowledge has been hidden from us.

It's time to reclaim this power.

It's time to activate this most divine relationship.

It's time to ignite your deepest desires.

It's time to step into the true you.

To claim her.

And allow her essense to seep from your every pore.

Tune into your true power.

Connect deeply and feel her roar.

"Thank you Niamh for sharing this beautiful and very powerful activation"

I started listening to this womb activation a month ago and did it consistently for about a week.  Since then I have been adding notes, ideas, and downloads into my diary and it's been really astonishing to see the journey that I have been taken on over the past month. I have been led to some powerful teachers, had a lot of visuals, the exact names and structures for my course and lead magnet, as well as the clarity on pricing and my business model outlined. Now is the end of the month and I have received everything I needed in order to take the next step to bring my creation to life. Thank you Niamh for sharing this beautiful and very powerful activation.

- Gintare Dainelyte

This is a light language activation and meditation to connect you more deeply your centre of creation, your womb and activate your Goddess codes.

If you have never heard light language or received a light language healing then just allow the sounds to wash over you.

Take time to tend to and nurture this most precious relationship. Her wisdom will blow you away. 

If  you have a particular desire you are working with, visualise your desire as you focus on your womb, imagine placing your desire inside your womb and allow it to gestate here to deepen your inherent magnetism.

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